The slide shows have been grouped in four categories: travelgoues, nature, photo essays, and awards & acceptances. Photographs from various trips around the world have been put together in travelogues. Nature photographs are comprised of plants, insects, birds, and wild animals found in Canada and abroad. Photo essays are short series of photographs about specific places, events, and creative images that tell a specific story. Awards & acceptances showcases photographs that have won local, national, and international competitions or been accepted by the Photographic Society of America. They are grouped by category and listed by title under the pulldown menu located in the upper right corner of the website. The travelogues and nature slide shows are also listed on the right sidebar. These slide shows can also be viewed in their actual posted sequence by choosing a category found at the bottom of the website. A random slide show can be selected using the random slide show button located above the main menu in the header.

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